Ways to give

BACS/Debit Card
Account Name: Liberty Christian Family Centre Trust
Account No: 01620942
Sort Code: 30-98-58
Account Name: Liberty Building Fund
Account No: 21629960
Sort Code: 30-98-58
Click on the donate button below to donate with PayPal. If you are donating to the building fund please write 'BUILDING' in the section 'add special instructions to Seller'
If you prefer giving in person you can do so during one of our services by filling out an envelope and placing it in one of the offering containers.
Cheques can be made payable to 'Liberty CFC' or for building fund 'Liberty Building Fund'
Gift Aid it
If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim 25p back from HM Revenue & Customs. You can find details of how to set this up on our giving envelopes. For questions, please email us.